Bye Bye Trump

To celebrate Biden’s Inauguration today, it seems apt to briefly reflect on what an utter awful mess the last four years of the Trump administration has been.

Thankfully, in this modern era, I don’t have to do this myself (although I would like to), because others more talented than I have done so.

First to the outstanding Randy Rainbow (links to his twitter feed). If you haven’t happened across Randy before, you’re in for a treat:

Randy at their best

Then for a more serious review of the last four years, you can trust the Some More News team to bring the goods and boy did they:

An hour long but wow

As Cody points out in the video, looking back it’s utterly insane how Trump’s presidency started with affairs and lies which is what started to collapse the Clinton administration. Though, in history repeating, in both cases (Clinton and Trump) the Senate refused to impeach the President of their own party.

The writer of this blog is exceedingly happy to be able to say:

Bye Trump.